just finished reading PUSH... a novel by SAPPHIRE. a painful story, well told. there is pure
poetry in the rendering of the horrors, there is music in the rhythm of her sadness, her tears and rage can fit any one of us ~ and don't ever think this story can't be true. despite what we think we know, pain and suffering can live right next door to you.
the posters for the movie are breath-taking... i love the color, the mystery and the power in her form... in one, she in anoynmous yet familiar, even without her face... the clues to her thinking have been erased, while her brilliant dress and white angelic robe denote her as pure and present. what strikes me is the poised, and humble clasp of her hands. she is controlled and powerful. in the second poster she is obviously shattered by the hand of fate... or is it just horrific and crushing circumstance ~ that can be shed like a rough skin... with time and care? note that she is broken, yet unbowed... and the ferocious orange background is a hue of hope, not despair.
posters thanks to FLYgirl...