atlantic and court, brooklyn
Thursday, May 27, 2010
"many people don't notice the details"

MCB and i like to take the circuitous route from main street to front. strolling round the powerhouse and window-glancing... past footsteps locked forever in the cement and across washington. we traverse the small sculpted park and under the tunnel shell. there is cozy and full of echoes even when we are silent. tied down to the bench was this ... reminder? warning?
... we took the message to heart, but left it there... as art and deserving an audience.
the next day, the tag was gone... i noticed they left the string.
from Lagos with love

from Lagos with love
always on fire, always mystical, lagos at night thrives, whispers, hides, and reveals.
reblogged from

when i visited my aunt victoria in ATL, she had a succession of VW buses. the one i remember most was bright orange. my brother and cousins hated the bus. in surburban ATL back then, the cars of choice were benz, jag and volvo... VW was for the hippies, the pot-smokers, the never-d0-wells who slept in the bus, under the stars... i was always happy to ride, sitting high in the front seat, window rolled down, adjusting the AM/FM radio, pretending... many things... but mostly, that i was one of those cool, free, happy chicks who drove a VW bus across the country and as far beyond as i could imagine.
KWAKU ALSTON has captured a remarkable series of these wonderful buses... and when i saw these i had to borrow.
see more of kwaku's tribute to the great bus here:
adriano fagundes ~ DENGUE
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

amazing what great minds can create when we work together! this stunning example of teamwork comes courtesy of the two pre-k classes at our school, PS 261, in brooklyn. look closely ~ in the top left hand corner, you can see our families quilt square. the purpose of this communal effort was to have the littles create a quilt square that represents their family, their fondest memories, their wishes, and dreams. LD was adamant that we include the picture of her beloved Grandpapa, The Chief, who passed on in 2008. of course, we agreed. what better way to remember family than to include them in a quilt that will live on in photographs and memories? then, we took the quilt square to nigeria and gave it to LD's grandmother, titilayo. she loved it.
karen gibson ROC and ronnie ROC ... remarkable

when you have artists in the family, you tend to see the world through starry eyes. music sounds better: beats resonate long after they have stopped playing. although these shots were taken in january 2010, to me they capture the essence of two great performers doing what they love to do: getting the people on their feet. karen gibson roc and ronnie roc performed for a sold out crowd at the brooklyn inaugural ball, held on 20 january, 2010 at the Bell House, Brooklyn.
True artists understand the gifts they receive when they give freely. karen and ronnie both donated their time to help raise funds for one of brooklyn's finest elementary schools, PS 261.
the gracious host of the Bell House, william crane, also donated the fabulous space.
you can see more on karen's ever-evolving website:
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
prayers for everybody
the more things change, the more they stay the same. Opponents of the proposed "WTC Mosque" will rally on 6 june to protest the building of a 13 story place of worship two blocks from the WTC site. The conservative rabble-rousers (tea party included) have claimed that the building of a mosque so close to Ground Zero is an insult to the memories of those who lost their lives there. Several relatives of victims of the 9/11 attacks feel the proximity of the mosque is inappropriate. in my humble opinion, this is all misguided Bullshit.
what better way to express solidarity and forgiveness than by inclusion? How can we as new yorkers be optimistic and realistic about the growing differences in our racial, religious and economic fabric if we cannot worship our Gods, side-by-side? too close? i think the ONLY things we should ever build at the WTC site are museums, houses of worship, community centers,
libraries. What do you think? x
NEW YORK In a building damaged by debris from the Sept. 11 airliners that brought down the World Trade Center and soon to become a 13-story mosque, some see the bridging of a cultural divide and an opportunity to serve a burgeoning, peaceful religious population. Others see a painful reminder of th...
Two of Pentacles
Trying to maintain a balance. You can keep everything moving smoothly if you go with the flow. Be open to new developments and tools that come your way to assist you in your goals. You are poised to do something you really enjoy. A lightness of spirit in your work. Money is flowing freely toward you. A business partnership.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Calm and balance. Need to have patience for events surrounding you as they play out. Moderation. Accommodation. Reflection on your life. Maturity. Draw emotions in and stop overreacting to outside forces. Contemplation and reflection on events, relationships and work. Be the calming force in chaos. Possible to overcome addiction to substance, people or relationships. Obsession passing. Order being restored. Bring calm to mind and behavior patterns. A time of peace is beginning. Let it wash over you.
bearing in mind: let it go.
keeping in mind: let it flow.
controlling my mind: see only the good.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
hester market ~ learning as we go...
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