when you have artists in the family, you tend to see the world through starry eyes. music sounds better: beats resonate long after they have stopped playing. although these shots were taken in january 2010, to me they capture the essence of two great performers doing what they love to do: getting the people on their feet. karen gibson roc and ronnie roc performed for a sold out crowd at the brooklyn inaugural ball, held on 20 january, 2010 at the Bell House, Brooklyn.
True artists understand the gifts they receive when they give freely. karen and ronnie both donated their time to help raise funds for one of brooklyn's finest elementary schools, PS 261.
the gracious host of the Bell House, william crane, also donated the fabulous space.
you can see more on karen's ever-evolving website: http://www.wix.com/karengibsonroc/KGR-NEW-SITE
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